
[세줄뉴스] 보험업계도 대출 중단 속출

LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! 2021. 10. 22. 10:26
  1. 20일 삼성화재에 따르면 "금융당국과 협의해 올해 전체 대출목표를 지키기 위해 주택담보대출을 이달 8일자로 중단했다"고 밝혔습니다.
  2. 이에 앞서 KB손해보험은 지난달 주택담보대출과 주식매수자금을 중단했습니다.
  3. KB손해보험은 "금융당국과 협의해 올해 가계대출 총량을 이미 달성해 신규대출을 중단했다"며 현재는 계약대출(약관대출)만 대출상품으로 취급하고 있습니다.


While financial authorities have strongly pressured the entire financial sector to manage the total amount of household loans, sales of various loan products have also been suspended in the insurance industry.

According to Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance on the 20th, "We have suspended mortgage loans as of the 8th of this month to keep this year's total loan target in consultation with financial authorities."

Prior to this, KB Insurance suspended mortgage loans and stock purchase funds last month.

KB Insurance said, "We have already reached the total amount of household loans this year in consultation with financial authorities and have suspended new loans," and currently only handles contract loans ( terms and conditions loans) as loan products.

Last month, Tong Yang Life Insurance suspended real estate (office hotel) mortgage loans.

Samsung Life Insurance, which has the largest household loan in the insurance industry, drastically reduced its own loan limit after exceeding its total target in the first half. Last month, the standard for operating the DSR by individual was lowered from 60% to 40%.

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